At twenty five years old I did not want to decide to stop having children after just one. I was afraid of going through the same struggles all over again so I did a lot of research and took my time thinking and praying. I had a Christian doctor who said she agreed there was a chance the second time around things would go just fine. The research told me I had a 80% chance of re-occurrence . Not as good as the one in 1,000 chance I had the first time around. That didn't sound too promising so we were looking at reducing the intensity of the episode and possible treatments rather than preventing it all together. I was hopeful though that I would be in the 20%. Jonathan was three before I decided to try to have another baby again. We had a plan for what we would do when the baby came. That got changed some when we had to move out of state when I was almost eight months pregnant. But I found doctors over the phone before we moved and did the best I could to start a new plan. I hir...