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Showing posts from June, 2011

Feeling Nostalgic

Thinking about all the people I've know over the years from the five states and five churches I've been a part of. I can't say there were many real friends although MANY deal people made an impact in my life. There were caring teachers when I was a kid and sweet kind believers who helped in times of need. I know I am part of the reason there were few lasting friendships. I haven't been that great at it. I am learning. I have to say that it was my family that surprised me the most. In my toughest moments, or should I say my ugliest(:; It was my family that loved me anyway. They except me just as I am. I am so thankful for that. I have a few real friends that are amazing, but they aren't blood. I don't expect them to put up with whatever I dish up. In turn, I have to take whatever they dish up. I spent away my energy trying to please people that didn't matter. I should be "proving what is acceptable unto the Lord."

So Now What?

I had planned last night to write something eloquent, but opted to sleep instead. And now in the words of my father, "I have nothing brilliant to say." Seriously, the last month and a half has been busy with the finishing of the school year. I am always a little surprised how wiped out I feel shortly after. What just happened? Bam! Just another school year ended. The summer started with a blast of activity that I was less than enthusiastic to participate in. We have done some things, but I'm still feeling wiped. Not exciting or eloquent, I know, just true. Do all mothers feel this way or just us nutty ones? Yes, I am calling myself nutty. As for the rest of you, you can decide for yourself. As for my bipolar, I have been on a mini-roller coaster ride lately. Up, down, up, down, around a curve, and up, down, up. I say mini cause I am not having extreme swings just minor ones. I would even go so far as to say that I am not really depressed at all just more tired than usual