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Showing posts from February, 2015

God Knows Better

I went to my monthly Mom's Support group meeting. Tonight's topic was our teens and dating. We talked about what we would want our children to look for in a mate. Hearing some of the women talk about what they expect to avoid made me think. I am glad God knows better than we do. I certainly feel like we have teach our children to find someone with like values. We all come from different backgrounds. That doesn't have to mean we cannot join together with someone in agreement for what that life together will be. It probably would have been easier for my husband to have picked a woman with less baggage. He probably would have had things much easier. I do wonder who he would be though. I think God used us to improve each other's lives. We are both better people because of that. I wouldn't be who I am without my baggage plain and simple. It might be burdensome at times, but it has given me compassion and deeper faith in God. I hope God will bring into my children's l