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Showing posts from April, 2015

Lies Mean Trouble

For me, my biggest enemy is the things I believe to be true which are actually false. I have struggled with the friends thing some more, but I really think the biggest issue is how I see myself. If the ugly talk starts going, nothing good can come of it. Why am I talking about this here. Well, I think that this is one of those things that everyone struggles with in one way or another, but never talk about it. You think you look fat because someone told you that when you were ten. You think your eyes are too narrow or something is wrong with your walk. Granted, I do not think all of those personally, but I wanted to give relate able examples. Mine would be, "Everyone thinks I'm dump." "No, one wants me here." Where did my lies come from? History. I was bullied, teased and tormented as a child. Kids called me names and ignored me. I had more than one person walk up to me and say,"I don't like you." Adults would just say, "Who cares!" but t...