I have often felt like I know this woman having struggled off and on with my own issues. Very possible she had endometriosis which I do not. I am certainly thankful as that is such a difficult thing. Why do I love this story then? She was unseen. She had an issue no one could see. She couldn't talk about or get any relief. As my good old issue came back again and knocked me of my physical strength, I am reminded of this lady. I am not referring to my emotional struggles. This was good old fashioned physical nuisance. My devotional was about taking care of my body. All I can gleen from that is sleep and drink a bunch. This will pass. Not signifigant enough to say. Forgive me if I too feel the need to sneak up and touch Jesus garment anyway. Because I need to be refreshed. Do you ever just need someone to hit reset for you? Do you ever need to take a day to do nothing? I will be doing that tomorrow and just hope by the next day I have happy insides(:.