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Showing posts from July, 2024

God’s Ways Not Ours

 I’m sure you’ve heard that God has a sense of humor. I was hurting over a situation I am going to leave unwritten at the moment. I felt all the old hurts so fresh all at once. That’s how it goes sometimes. Anyway. I was crying out to God saying please don’t ask me to do this again. He sent an unexpected phone call. And just the fact that a person who never calls me would call me at that moment. That’s God saying I will help you in ways you don’t expect. Because that is how he works. I got through today. Tomorrow can take care of itself. That’s all I have for now.

Taking Care

 A stranger told me recently that I don’t value myself. She was some kind of natural doctor. Fact is she wasn’t too far off the mark. I am into a second week with diverticulitis flair up. I passed out in the middle of the night. This morning I feel tired and sore. I am thankful I didn’t injure myself just laid down on the floor. I went to church this morning to do my children’s church duties, but no kids today so I went home. I decided that I should rest while I can. Yes, I will be fine, but at my age I just don’t bounce back as quickly as I used to. Not to mention going out in public when I am all bloated is anything, but fun. Okay , I complained. On the plus side, got my favorite flavor of Gatorade here. Going to try to relax. Yesterday, I had Bible study with friends and it was great. When you feel free to share with each other God’s truth and truly encourage each other in the Lord…. That should be church. For me I guess it is. This other thing is just a place I go to do a thing.