I watched a sad movie tonight. A really sad one, and had what we women call a "good cry." Isn't funny that we need a fake story to give us a reason to cry, yet when we have every reason to cry we hold back the tears. Well, I guess I can't say we...I do anyway. Maybe it goes back to when I was young. Back then I cried way too much. At everything! That didn't add to my popularity and then more teasing which would produce more tears. That was early childhood grant it, but I think I remember(:. I figured out that I had better suck it up and NOT cry so much. So I didn't. I sucked, sucked, sucked, in a whole bunch of stuff after that. Stand tall at school and let it out at home. Of course after all that bottling up not everything can find it's way back out. Maybe that's why a movie that forces you to cry is so cleansing. Now grant it, I am not seven years old anymore, or five, or nine for that matter. I am not a kid; I am not being teased at school; and don...