" Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Galations 5:7 Before I wrote today, I decided to read my Bible. I've been struggling a lot lately with that. Shocking, Huh? Well, I am human and sometimes the selfishness inside me wins the battle. What battle you ask? Well, duh as my Pastor would say(:. I think duh is rude, but I'm trying to be witty here so I'll allow it. Each and every day I have a battle inside my own mind. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm schizophrenic, but I can almost hear the voice of the Spirit battling against the voice of my flesh. Sometimes, it seems like a literal voice in the sense that I'm very aware of what God wants me to be doing. Sometimes, I just tune out His voice completely. Like a three year old with my hands on my ears. If I cover my ears I can pretend, "I can't hear you," Of course it is the very ignoring of God's voice that makes me just a little bit crazy(:. I feel t...