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Turn the Knob

 When I was a kid the television didn’t have a remote control. The only way to change the channel or turn it off was to turn the knob. I was thinking about this age of information we find ourselves in. You can’t really turn anything off. I stopped watching the news over a year ago. I stopped listening to talk radio two years ago. I pulled myself away from that and yet still the world keep shoving unwanted information in my face. Lately it’s Facebook. Oh the wonderful Facebook. I am taking a break today at least to try to give my mind a rest. I am not boycotting anything. They are a private organization offering free communication. They don’t have to do that. I have no issue with them as a company. I take issue with my “friends.” One of whom actually gave a big speech over not holding back any longer when she has spent the last six months complaining about everything. I am running out of grace so I guess it’s a good thing I don’t make it. This world where everything in life revolves around your own person. Thank you Facebook for that. That is sarcasm for my friends who don’t see that. It isn’t being  unauthentic to choose not to say blunt, rude things to people you KNOW it will offend. People know who you are. They don’t need it underlined. My friends know I am conservative. They know I am Christian. They know I don’t drink. I talk about God openly. I don’t talk in harsh judgment. Why? I am pretty sure that’s not my job. You see God alone knows a person’s heart. When you look people in the eye and tell them the truth about God’s love and eternity, they will often say that’s not for me. People know they are sinners. People know they are guilty. They don’t know they are worthy of love. They don’t know God could have destroyed us all and started over ;yet He choose to redeem us instead. My Christian friend, if you’re reading this, we are the light of the world. How we act online matters. How we act in this world matters. If Jesus were here right now, would he be pleased with what is happening? I think you’re charging around with your sword like Peter did before the soldiers  took Jesus from the garden. Stop and listen. Like rustling leaves in a forest or the bubbles on a steam, hear the peace. The peace of God passes all understanding. Take the peace. Leave the chaos behind. 


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