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New Lenses

 I wear glasses and after a whole day my vision will start to get blurry. I realize that my lenses aren’t clean anymore. I am trying to see through spots. I thought this would make a great analogy as we think about the world before us. Some people look out and can only see darkness, wickedness, and destruction. Maybe we need new lenses. Not that there isn’t any or tons of wickedness, but that there is a greater purpose for our still walking this earth. We can’t see that if we are stuck in our negative reflections. So what are those spots you ask? Unforgiveness, cultural differences, misunderstandings, our own convictions, or self righteousness.  I am not suggesting that we immerse ourselves into things that we know are wrong. I am suggesting that we focus on Jesus first and see what happens. Whether we are with our church family or out and about it may help to see things through Jesus rather than through our stuff. 
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